Hold onto your seats, because Google just made considerable changes to the way they create your ads. On Tuesday during the Google Ads & Analytics Innovations Keynote, Google speakers announced that they will be adopting a “mobile first” strategy, anchoring advertising strategies in mobile instead of on desktop computers and laptops. If you’re wondering how this may affect you and your digital marketing strategy, read on for the important changes announced and what you need to know about them:
The Google Rationale:
“Shift to mobile has happened” – more mobile searches made than on other devices last year.
They summarise the new environment of fast and easy searching and browsing with smartphones as “micro-moments” – essentially encapsulating intent with context (what do I want to do, where am I and what device am I using).
Google collects data from over 1bn users in each of their products (Youtube, Search, Gmail, Maps, Android etc.). That’s 1bn x 7! In Analytics alone, they collect over 500bn site interactions per day.
Google is, therefore, on the basis of the analysis of this huge data-set, going “Mobile first” – Mobile is the starting point from Google Analytics and AdWords perspective.
Google is introducing expanded text ads:
Expanded text ads, one of the most prominent changes Google announced, are mobile-optimized ads that are designed to help you maximize the success of your advertisement in a mobile-first environment. Some of the new features and changes within this area are:
1. 50% more ad space and a more eye-catching headline size to feature your product.
2. The previous, single headline 25-35-35 character limit has been changed to a new, two headline 30-30-80 limit.
3. There will be changes to the Display URL to incorporate path fields, allowing 2 fields of 15 characters each (e.g. www.website.com/field1/field2).
4. The display URL field has been removed, and Google now extracts the domain automatically from the final URL.
What’s in it for you?
1. Advertisers can control the new second headline.
2. The platform is more conducive to longer, creative messaging.
3. There is a clear landing page within every ad.
4. There is up to a 20% CTR uplift to existing text ads depending on each advertiser and how the individual account is set up.
5. The experience is optimized for mobile, an increasingly important platform today.
6. There is an additional line over existing text ads.
Google AdWords:
1. Demographic targeting for search ads.
2. They are introducing similar audiences for search, which focuses on searchers who have not been to your site but with the same characteristics as visitors on your remarketing lists.
3. Device bid adjustments allow you to anchor your main keyword bids to a certain device of your choice and use percentage adjustments for the other 2 devices.
4. More ad format testing is coming for industry verticals.
5. In-store tracking via GPS – they claim over 99% accuracy.
6. Completely rebuilt UI for AdWords with easier navigation to key targeting options and insightful overview charts.
Changes to the Google Display Network:
1. Google is now creating native ads for you within the GDN once you enter the headline, image, description, and URL.
2. The program does the heavy lifting for you, customizing the displayed layout for each device, website or app.
3. Google is extending the reach of GDN campaigns with access to cross-exchange ad inventory. Much broader reach on remarketing than just the Google Display Network.
4. Lastly, Google is introducing Individual bid adjustments for each device type.
Changes to Google Maps:
1. More relevant ads within google maps.
2. There are now promoted Pins with promo text and customizable business pages in Google Maps.
3. As an expansion of Local Inventory Ads already available, customers can now view local inventory and search within it to find what they need before they visit the store.
Much of these changes are rolling out over the next 12 months, but you will want to be ready to go as soon as possible.
If you would like an expert’s opinion on how Google’s changes will affect your marketing strategy, tweet us or follow us on LinkedIn.